So one of my coping mechanisms is to put on headphones and listen to grunge music really loudly so it blocks out all other sound and right now I have on "Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson. Some people would be turned off by this because he's kind of a freak but musically he's amazing!!!! Op now slipknot..... ah...... musical bliss. it's like white noise. beautiful. Well a little update on life I've been going to school now for 2 weeks and I'm loving it! It's super hard and I didn't think it would be but it is and I'm loving the distraction. It is making things a lot easier. I read this in a friend's blog and I think I'm going to try it. Here goes:
Dear Ian,
Please stop creeping into my dreams. You're far too irresistable for me and it makes me miss you. So if you could stop so I can move on with my life I'd be pleased. cus i'd be lying if i told you losing you was something I could handle.
Dear Brian,
Please stop.
Dear friends,
I miss you. If you could only stop being so judgemental we'd get along. Sadness.