Sunday, November 30, 2008

Journal writing yay or nay?

So I've been trying to keep a journal and so far it just sounds like an annoying teenager. So what is your opinion? Help me all ye journalists out there!


Alyssa said...

A journal is whatever comes into your head. If it happens to sound like an annoying teacher that is totally fine. We all sound like annoying teenagers at one point or another. And i know old geezers who still sound like that sometimes. So it will come and go. But you know what? it's fine. write what comes to mind. I love you Jen. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you happy birthday on your special day. If you need to vent or yell at me about it please do. You know I would for you if i needed to. I love you Jen, even when I to insensitive stupid things like forget to wish you a happy birthday. I'm sorry!

Tylene said...

Yeah I agree with our friend Alyssa. Journals are to write whatever you want to. If it comes off as a little teenagery then it's all good. Whatev, the journals just there for you to write it all out and express yourself. It's hard for me to keep a journal myself because I find myself writing about things I've done that day that in the long run are pointless, but I want to start again. In a way, I find this blogging thing a lot like writing a journal. I only write when I feel the need to truely express myself. haha, well I love you Jen. Good luck with the journalizing.