Friday, June 25, 2010


So I was on Face book and commented on my friends profile.
this is the conversation:
Jennifer Evans: oh kayla kayla...... would you guys be interested in coming up the canyon this Friday night to see the lunar eclipse? we'd sleep in the back of our cars, I'd take my mom's suv.
Valerie Eddings: Dude when is the eclipse happening?
Jennifer Evans: I want to but I can't find a group! I know Jordan Commons still has seats in the very front for the midnight and wherever in the 2:30 AM.
Jennifer Evans: we'd need to get a group and one person buy all our tickets and we pay them back
Valerie Eddings: I . . . . . ? . . . When is the eclipse?
Jennifer Evans: WOW I totally just went twigeek on you I thought you were talking about the movie! The LUNAR eclipse is tomorrow night at 2 am. The Twilight Eclipse is the 30th.
Valerie Eddings: WAHAHAHA! What a hilarious misunderstanding!
Jennifer Evans: I know!!! This is my emberassing moment/blonde/twilightlover moment of my life.

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