So my friend Roach and her family were going to a wedding in Arizona for a few days and Justin and I house sat for her and took care of her dogs Quincey and Sophie. Thursday we got all settled a
nd went out for dinner, took the dogs for a walk and just kinda was us and stuff. Until about midnight when we got into a huge drag out awful awful fight. On the first day of our vacation. It sucked. I ran into the bedroom crying and stayed there until he came in and apologized and we talked everything out and it all was ok again. I HATE fighting! But it turned out ok and he held me until I fell asleep and it was all good. Friday I wake up to find him and Sophie cuddling on the couch:

It was so cute! I made breakfast and we spent the day watching a Star Wars marathon. LOL yes we are nerds but a couple of cute ones at that. Saturday was Merric's birthday party so we spent it at his place partying until I got so tired Justin had to carry me home. Sunday was our last day together and we slept late and watched tv and cuddled and just was pure blissful until about 4 am when I had to go home. All in all it was a super fun mini vacation and I'm super super glad I have such a wonderful boyfriend!!!!!!!