Thursday, October 16, 2008

I don't wanna grow up

Today I am going to another interview. I hate working. I love it because it is a distraction, but a terrible one at that. But I need a job with a capital N. Any job. I just need money. Income. Isn't it sad that people don't get jobs to have fun or to help people. They get them to get money. Money money money. A useless commodity. Or you must do something that makes money. For example I really want to be a massuse. However you don't make a lot of money doing that so I am going to school to be a pharmacy tech. I hear stories of people who move places and just start over. They have nothing and go there and make something. I would love to do that but I am really not that brave. I am watching the movie Closer and it's super super interesting. I recomend it to everyone.


Alyssa said...

You can do anything you set your mind to. Take a break from that life, and go live another one. It's easier that you think. I just go by the Nike theme these days, seriously. "Just do it." You don't know how many times I ran that through my head, to get out here.

Tylene said...

I totally agree. Why do people do jobs they don't enjoy just for the money. I have a theory that if everyone did what they truly wanted and loved to do for a career the world would be one of the happiest places to live in. Then again if it weren't for the laborers who do jobs like picking up garbage which obviously you wouldn't choose to do with your life.... unless you truly love garbage the would would cease to function in the way we're currently living. Jen you should do whatever makes you happy. Think when you're older and you had this opportunity to layout how and who you want to be when you're're going to wish you followed your dreams. I love you girl!

Tylene said...

I meant world instead of would on the seventh line down. HAHAHA