Saturday, May 22, 2010

Failure is not an option

I recently went on a retreat to get away from everything. I went camping with my dear pirate friends. Just staring into the fire and looking into the sky. Made me feel my savior's love. I hate that I'm weak. I don't forgive easy and I'm one of my harshest judges. Recently I was made to be weak, someone did something and blah blah blah. Basically they took their drama to me and I didn't take it. I've lost 2 friends out of it, one because she was stupid and I can't handle talking to stupid people, the other I lost because I need to grow and learn how to live without that fallback. I need to know how to be ok without having to have to talk to him. One of the hardest things in life is to let someone go when they are hurting you... maybe one day I can have him back but until then I'll always love you.

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