Tuesday, October 21, 2008

House Sitting

So my friend Roach and her family were going to a wedding in Arizona for a few days and Justin and I house sat for her and took care of her dogs Quincey and Sophie. Thursday we got all settled and went out for dinner, took the dogs for a walk and just kinda was us and stuff. Until about midnight when we got into a huge drag out awful awful fight. On the first day of our vacation. It sucked. I ran into the bedroom crying and stayed there until he came in and apologized and we talked everything out and it all was ok again. I HATE fighting! But it turned out ok and he held me until I fell asleep and it was all good. Friday I wake up to find him and Sophie cuddling on the couch:

It was so cute! I made breakfast and we spent the day watching a Star Wars marathon. LOL yes we are nerds but a couple of cute ones at that. Saturday was Merric's birthday party so we spent it at his place partying until I got so tired Justin had to carry me home. Sunday was our last day together and we slept late and watched tv and cuddled and just was pure blissful until about 4 am when I had to go home. All in all it was a super fun mini vacation and I'm super super glad I have such a wonderful boyfriend!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I don't wanna grow up

Today I am going to another interview. I hate working. I love it because it is a distraction, but a terrible one at that. But I need a job with a capital N. Any job. I just need money. Income. Isn't it sad that people don't get jobs to have fun or to help people. They get them to get money. Money money money. A useless commodity. Or you must do something that makes money. For example I really want to be a massuse. However you don't make a lot of money doing that so I am going to school to be a pharmacy tech. I hear stories of people who move places and just start over. They have nothing and go there and make something. I would love to do that but I am really not that brave. I am watching the movie Closer and it's super super interesting. I recomend it to everyone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sanctuary and a friend

So I am sitting in my room on my lovely Diego2 and watching a terrible horror movie. The Grudge 2. It is miserable and droll so do choose something else to watch. Sigh. I notice that my room very much describes me. In front of me is my successes. It has the posters of my shows, my hero Audrey Hepburn, my wardrobe, and my treadmill. All things I have mastered. To the left is my jewelry and a giant whiteboard schedule. Oh how rediculous. Also is a picture of me and Justin. It makes me smile every time I see it. Behind me is a window and my dresser which is covered in random stuff and of course Dr Pepper. To the left my great movie collection and tv and closet. It's very random and covered like me. But I think the most important thing is that it's all superficial. Just things. Stuff. If I ever had to run out of the house and only take one thing it would be pants. People put too much stock into material goods like clothes and purfume and jewelry and nonsense. When Justin was kicked out of his house at 15 he had to sleep in a park for 2 months. Hearing his stories makes me appreciate more my own self, him, friends, family and the stuff that matters. I recently read a blog written by my friend Alyssa about her new life out East. It was nice to read and hear that she is well but also sad because I miss her. I didn't take advantage of being good friends with her while I could. You never fully love someone until you spend some time without them. Her and I have had a roller coaster of a friendship. From crying on each other's shoulders, to laughing till our cheeks hurt, to hating each other's entire beings. Looking back now I see how silly it was to hate. I feel bad because I don't have the guts to tell people what I really think of them. I'd love to sit down with Alyssa and have another one of our blunt conversations and tell her how much I really do love and care aboout her and that boys are frogs until you find your prince and princesses are stupid. We'll be smart peasents together! LOL I admire her a lot. She is pretty much everything I wish I was. Maybe I'll read some more of her blogs and find her courage and strength. For now I'm going back to this movie and texting Justin hoping that he will say something to make me laugh. I hate horror films!

Who am I?

My name is Jennifer. I am almost 20 yrs old but I feel about 30. I'm a Sagittarius through and through. I love strawberry daquiri's, my boyfriend Justin, and getting caught in the rain. I guess I started this blogspot to write down my thoughts as I see them. I'm always looking for a new creative edge. I'm a singer and a talented one at that. My range is from a low A to two C's above middle. I love the movies, acting, music, fashion, and modeling. I am also a manic depressive prone to anxiety attacks and sleeping disorders. I'm hypothyroidic and have massive ulcers. But you couldn't guess it just by looking at me. I have two faces. Dr. Jen and Ms. Hyde. I suppose I should send out a message to my readers. I have no means to offend, I am simply stating the facts as I see them. Through my eyes. Then again what does it matter?