Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So I have been fine health wise for quite some time. But yesterday morning I woke up and was vomiting profusely. I could not stop sweating or vomiting. I didn't have a fever but it wouldn't stop. Plus I was in a lot of pain. So my Dad took me to the hospital and they took my blood count and my white cells were at a 21! Mind you 10 is high. So they told me to head straight to the er by appendix is going to burst. So we go to the er and I have my appendix removed. I just got home today and I feel ok but really sore and hurt and in shock! I was totally fine the night before! Weirdness? Yes.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Coming home

So today I have cleared all grievences, I hope, with my old friends and I think things are now open with them. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I hope that they can forgive me for what I have done to them and that I can become who I want to be. The happy person that I am and that they will see it and love me again. I have been lost for so long I finally feel like I am whole again. I don't have to change myself for anyone. I have friends again and a boyfriend who suprises me every single day with how amazing he is. It's funny because even though today is James's birthday I still feel like I recieved the best present in the world. One of my gifts that I gave him was I sang him our song "At Last" afterwards with tears in his eyes he told me he "was in love with an angel, I don't know how you can be real but you are and I must be the luckiest man in the world" I feel healthy and happy and I haven't been like this in a really long time and I must contribute a HUGE part of this to the fact that my old friends have accepted me. I'm mentally healthy. My best friend Kayla still loves me even though she cheated on me and got married. My family is all home and happy. My boyfriend doesn't abuse me. And I just got a new biography and it looks really good. I must be pretty damn lucky.