Friday, October 28, 2011

a year

in one month I will be 23 and a year older. This has been a particularly interesting year of my life. I rode an elephant at the circus, I made my soul sister very happy and saw one of the best games of bowling in my life (I love you Courtney Curtis honorary Stetson!!!) got my amazing turtle Frankie, saw my sister's heartbreak and move home from Indiana, had a heartbreak of my own, still not sure how a man with a child can have commitment issues but there ya go. I got a degree in phlebotomy, even though it's impossible to get a job I still think I've accomplished something, modeled more than I have in any other year. Got my tattoo's. Got arrested. My sister got pregnate, congrats to Kim and Derek! Throughout it all I feel like a completely different person. Looking back over this last year and being 22, everything I did and went wrong. I understand life a little more and I think I'm more focused on what is important now more than ever. I still miss a lot of things from my old life. My old friends from before I fell to the dark side, I miss them. I often wonder how I ended up in this place and I guess I just followed my feet. Not much thinking went into my life until now. I think being 23 will be an intersting year. My entire future is going to be decided. I will start my future. Maybe I'll find forgiveness somewhere down this road. Anyway, I'm going to try and spend my birthday with laughter instead of tears. I'm going to make this birthday month a positive one. I guess the one thing I'm excited for is to get this year over with. Out with the bad and in with the new! Facing my troubles and problems and fixing things I haven't dealt with in years. It's gonna be one hell of a year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've often felt the same way about my life up until a year ago. I didn't think much about it, just "followed my feet", as you so beautifully said. You will do great things with your life, my love. Never stop following your feet. Just make sure that your head and and your feet are traveling in the same direction. :) Kiss on your head!